Where can physicians go for help?

“In the two decades since starting at medical school, I have never heard the word ‘identity’ spoken. Grand rounds, the very heartbeat of medical learning, are not a place for philosophical musings or profound emotional questions. Diagnostic labels gathered there speak more to the patient and less to the person. We talk about loss of […]

Small Business Owners During a Pandemic

Everything happens for a reason. Sometimes a picture-perfect life falls apart and leaves us in bewilderment on how to survive in this world. Life definitely brings us to a halt sometimes but you have to remember that you are not the only one going through this turmoil. Life is never a straight line and we […]

Change and mindset

[ninja_form id=7] I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy! I have been approached by a few business owners and professionals since the pandemic outbreak. I feel and understand the panic in the air for business owners who are earning way below their usual profit margin and have had to let go of a few […]

The effects of COVID-19 on small business owners

Small business owners have been severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The majority of people who contacted me for help were also small business owners. I would like to reach as many of you as possible through this post if you are going through anxiety and financial crunch due to the current situation. Here are […]

The effect of COVID-19

We are a couple weeks into the COVID-19 and I hear around me a lot of nervousness and frustration. My home, Houston that dominates Oil and Gas industry is hit severely due to the current climate. In the midst of this despondency, I would like to stimulate some reassurance and inspiration. My goal is not […]

Health at the time of COVID-19

How are you taking care of your family and friends? And most importantly, how are you taking care of yourself? What changes have you made to your health routine this week due to the COVID-19? Most of my content on my blog and Facebook posts have been psychology/emotional health-related. To be more specific, it is […]

Finding beauty in chaos COVID-19

The last few days have caused extreme anxiety for most of us because of the fear of COVID -19. The fear-mongering happening on the internet did not help much either. The internet showcased some hilarious memes on the hoarding of antibacterial gel and toilet roll. Although I laughed at some of them, the thought did […]

Re-branding at the time of COVID-19

I am happy to announce the re-branding of my business. I have realized over time that my skills, educational background, and experience are the biggest asset that I have to offer to my clients and hence my new website https://hamnasiddique.com/ is named after me.   I welcome every one of you to subscribe and as a […]